Our Team
Edna Nyangau, co-founder of thirdspace, is really into hugs and cooks a mean meal. She's a mad scientist at UC Berkeley by day, and an artist advocate by night. She writes stuff, does film photography, and apparently has made a hobby out of starting arts collectives. You may have heard about 2727 California… she's behind that too! (She wants people to know that Bria wrote this.)
Bee Roehrig, Media and Events Director for thirdspace, is an artist with no true form. They have a background in production and interior design, which has translated into a passion for gallery installations and curation. They are constantly picking up new mediums, and are always in the midst of three art projects at a time, usually involving thirdpace!
Bria Goeller, co-founder of thirdspace, doesn't like rules and tries really hard to never leave her apartment. She makes her own art, does custom work, designs stuff for people she thinks are making the world better, teaches high schoolers how not to be assholes, writes occasionally, makes music nobody will hear, and does community organizing stuff (like thirdspace!).